Vajra Sutra Lecture
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04/27/14 - Greed Attachment Non-Dwelling
05/04/14 - Non-Dwelling~Patience~Compassion
05/11/14 - No Coming or Going
06/15/14 - Pure Faith~Pure Mind
06/22/14 - Pureland Dharma P
06/22/14 - Pureland Dharma P1
06/29/14 - Chan Buddhist Dharma Lectures
07/06/14 - Self Nature~Seek A Good Knowing Adviser
07/13/14 - Three Kinds Of Truth
07/20/14 - Totality of Marks is Empty
07/27/14 - Distance Yourself~Stop Thinking
08/03/14 - Marks VS Views
08/24/14 - 5 Equalities
08/31/14 - Dreams Illusions Bubbles Shadows
05/04/14 - Non-Dwelling~Patience~Compassion
05/11/14 - No Coming or Going
06/15/14 - Pure Faith~Pure Mind
06/22/14 - Pureland Dharma P
06/22/14 - Pureland Dharma P1
06/29/14 - Chan Buddhist Dharma Lectures
07/06/14 - Self Nature~Seek A Good Knowing Adviser
07/13/14 - Three Kinds Of Truth
07/20/14 - Totality of Marks is Empty
07/27/14 - Distance Yourself~Stop Thinking
08/03/14 - Marks VS Views
08/24/14 - 5 Equalities
08/31/14 - Dreams Illusions Bubbles Shadows