수행자의일기: 이선미 Cultivator’s Diary: Seon-Mi Lee 11월30일달마톡을듣고 November 30, 2019. After listening to Master’s Dharma talk: 불칠수행마지막법문시간이었다. 불칠수행의경험담을나눠주세요.하시자여러사람이감사의인사를하고또수행의고통만을경험하신분도있기도하였다.그중한국에서오신불자님께서예전에영화선사께서3시간반내어주신숙제를해내셨고그다음단계는무엇을해야하는지 여쭙기위하여이번불칠에참석하였다고하셨다. 오! 3시간반. 나도열심히수행하여3시간반앉는것이익숙해지게되어영화선사를뵙고싶은서원이더확고해졌다. 나도언젠가미국행비행기를타고불자님처럼영화선사께다음단계수행을여쭈러가야겠다. It was the last Dharma talk of the FoQi Buddha’s name recitation retreat. When Master said, “Please share your FoQi experience,” many people shared their gratitude. Someone said that it was just a lot of suffering, but there was one Korean cultivator who said that she received homework from Master back in April to sit for 3 1/2 hours. She came to FoQi so she could ask about what is next. Wow, 3 1/2 hours. I also want to work hard and get used to sitting for 3 1/2 hours. My vow to meet Master after being able to sit for 3 1/2 hours comfortably has become firmer. One day I want to take an airplane and go to the USA to meet Master so that I can ask what I need to do next. 12월1일 December 1
결가부좌수행1시간57분Full lotus sitting: 1 hour and 57 minutes 호흡관1시간Breathing: 1 hour 능엄신주만트라30분Shurangama Mantra: 30 minutes 아미타불염불12분Amitabha’s name recitation: 12 minutes 능엄신주독송10분Shurangama Mantra: 10 minutes 오늘은 어제의 아쉬움을 만회하고자1시간50분 알람을 맞춰놓고 시작했다. (어제3시좀전에식사를마쳤는데 이후부터 꽁깍지차만 두 컵정도 마시고 오후불식을 해보았다.) 1시간25분 즘 넘어가며 다리부터 떨리기 시작했다. Today I wanted to do better than yesterday, so I set the alarm for 1 hour and 50 minutes. (Yesterday I finished my meal around 3:00 p.m. and drank two cups of tea only). My legs started to shake after 1 hour and 25 minutes. 어깨가뻐근해지며두손을모은손과어깨가흔들렀다.종을들고있으면무당이굿하는소리가나겠다싶을만큼제대로(?)흔들려조금무서웠다. My shoulders started to feel sore. I put my palms together, and my palms and shoulders started to shake a little. If I was holding the shaman’s bell, the bell would really shake and make sound. I felt a little scared. 현안스님이떨리면무서워하시말고떨리는대로두세요.선화상인께서우치(어리석음)가떨어져나가는거라말씀하시기도했어요.라해주신말을상기하며능엄신주만트라에집중했다.약5분간떨더니팔의떨림은저절로가라앉았고잠시후손과머리가한차례짧게흔들리더니가라앉았다. Venerable XianAn already told me that there’s no need to feel afraid and that I should let the shaking happen. Master HsuanHua said that shaking helps shake off the stupidity. While I reminded myself what Venerable XianAn told me, I continued to concentrate on the Shurangama Mantra recitation. After 5 minutes, the shaking of my arms calmed down. Not long after, my hands and head also calmed down. 시간이지날수록그동안괴로웠던오른쪽발과골반통은없으나왼쪽발이많이아팠다.어제부터불식을하며다짐했던것을상기하니좀더참을수가있었다.어릴때부터자주삐고많이걸으면으례히탈이나던왼발이라통증이시작될때올것이왔구나싶었다.통증은심했으나정신은점점맑아지는것같았고잡념도줄어들었다.오직발목통증만견디면더앉을수있을것같아계획한시간보다7분더하고마쳤다. As the time passed, the pain in the right foot and hip went down, but my left foot was hurting a lot. Because I had fasted since yesterday and resolved to sit longer, I was able to bear this pain longer. Since my left foot has had many problems since childhood, when the pain started there, it was expected. The pain was increasing, but my head was more and more clear and my excessive thoughts were reduced. I felt that I could sit longer if I could bear the left foot pain. I was able to push 7 minutes longer than my original plan. 오늘은부모님생각이많이났다.오직현실에서아등바등고생하시며성실히살아오신어머니아버지남은여생그성실과인내로스스로복짓는삶되도록열어주시기를수행하며빌었다.나무아미타불관세음보살() Today I thought of my parents. I prayed for them to be able to accrue more blessings for the rest of their lives because they have struggled to survive. Na Mo Amitabul Gwan Sae Um Bo Sal (This is Korean pronunciation of Na Mo Emitofou Guanyin Pu Sa)
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