This month is the month of Thanksgiving in the United States of America. It is the time when most of its residents, whose ancestors were immigrants, get together to celebrate and express gratitude for the many gifts bestowed upon them. As a first-generation immigrant and left-home person, I too would like to express my thanks for:
When Shakyamuni Buddha announced to his disciples that he was about to enter Nirvana, his disciples came from far away places to pay their last respects. Throngs hustled for a time slot to say their personal good-bye’s to the World-Honored-One. However, amongst the Buddha’s resident disciples, there was a monk who made no such attempt. Instead, he would shut himself in his room away from all the commotion. His colleagues wasted no time in bringing the matter up to Shakyamuni and entreated the Baghavan to punish him. He was therefore called to the Buddha’s room to explain his behavior. He said: “World-Honored-One, since you don’t have much time left with us, I thought that the best way to express my gratitude is to meditate and work hard at my cultivation. I hope to realize Arhatship before you leave so that you won’t feel that you’ve wasted your time teaching me.” The Buddha beamed and proclaimed: “He who loves me most, most vigorously puts my teachings into practice”. I vow to try harder to live up to the standards set by my teachers. I beseech them to be patient with my repeated failures in such endeavors. Happy Holidays! |