The Buddha said that there are four kinds of yokes:
It is called a yoke because it binds us, oppresses us or subjects us to servitude.
Those who are under the yoke of sensuality are obsessed with sensual passion, sensual delight, sensual attraction, sensual infatuation, sensual fascination and sensual craving (for the five desires: food, sleep, sex, wealth and fame). Their whole existence is about indulging in all the sense pleasures. Becoming refers to the state of existence after death during which one awaits for a period of up to 49 days before one is reincarnated. This state is also called the Intermediate Skandha Body. During this time, it’s as if one is under a yoke or is imprisoned and must await one’s fate and face judgment. Those who are under the yoke of views allow themselves to be guided by erroneous views. For example, they discriminate against race, religion, skin color, nationality and so forth because they fail to understand that we all are one and the same, that we all have the Buddha nature. This final yoke of ignorance is one of the most difficult to unyoke. How do you know that you are ignorant? That is when you are so sure that you know the truth: this is what is referred in Buddhism as the obstruction of what is known (we are so sure of our knowledge or understanding that we do not listen any more). The better way to unyoke oneself from this is through the help of a Good Knowing Adviser. |