Question: 2. In the evening, I sit in front of the Triple Jewel altar at home to recite Earth Store Bodhisattva and Guan Yin, 108 times each, and then I bow to the Buddha in repentance. Answer:
That is what I call vigor! Let me give you a few suggestions:
At the end of each day of cultivation, please make transference of merit and virtue to all living beings for the sake of their obtaining rebirth to the Pure Land. It is better to not make transference to oneself: you get more blessings in return when you offer it to others. Reciting Guan Yin’s name is very good as it works well for you. As for reciting Medicine Master Buddha’s name, try reciting: Yao Shi Ru Lai (Medicine Master Thus Come One). It is better to recite one Buddha’s name that many times and then recite the other Buddha’s name. Please keep up with your cultivation: it will gradually help alleviate your suffering and it will create blessings for you to encounter a competent teacher who can teach you how to deal with your problems. May I suggest that you also try the following?
Thank you for your inquiry. I hope that you will find a Good Knowing Adviser soon. |
October 2016