Question: However, I really enjoy sitting in full lotus and whenever I can, I do. Now, my sits have increased to 45 minutes. I notice that when I recite the Buddha’s name or a mantra while sitting in full lotus, I get tired more easily than when I’m reciting while circumambulating. Could I please have your opinion on the following: Answer:
You are doing just fine. There is nothing to worry about. It is OK for beginners to practice Chan on their own. I do emphasize that all meditators should seek a competent Chan teacher (also known as a Good Knowing Adviser) to train under in order to gain more benefits as well as to avoid potential problems. The rationale is this: it is most critical to build the proper foundation so that you will continue to progress toward higher and higher levels smoothly. It is a very good idea to sit in full lotus whenever you can. Please continue to increase the length of your sit. It is also a very good sign that you felt more tired when in full lotus than when circumambulating, which is a walking meditation. Please keep it up. Your tiredness will eventually go away, and soon you’ll feel much better sitting in full lotus while making your recitations. Regarding your questions:
Finally, if possible, please make the effort to make an appointment with my staff and come and meet with me. I can share with you more specifics to further assist you in your practice which you seem to get great enjoyment and benefits from. I can also assign a mentor to guide you under my supervision. |
October 2016