Question: Answer:
Please accept my sympathy for the hardship that you and your family are going through. I am most grateful for your trust but unfortunately we are not healers nor can we cure illness. We are humble monks and nuns who quietly cultivate the Dharma as per our enlightened teachers’ instructions. In light of the gravity of your wife’s condition, I will be glad to try and shed some light on how to deal with it. According to Buddhism, illness is the result of retribution caused by previous karma. Therefore, we can either endure the retribution or try to repay our karmic debt. Please refer to our Monthly Dharma Talk section on dealing with “illnesses” on our web site, . You should make an appointment to personally seek out competent monks or nuns whom you trust to ask for their assistance. While you are there, forgive me for being blunt, you should also ask for Plan B: ask for assistance for her rebirth to the Pure Land in case it’s just a little too late. If you wish, I will glad to meet with you to provide more detail and determine whether or not we dare to “meddle” into your wife’s case. If it appears appropriate and would be of greater benefit to your wife, we might also refer you to some competent sanghans. We will pray for your wife and your family this weekend. Please accept my best wishes. SYH |
October 2016