Question: Initially treated with chemo therapy then when I requested the Lengthening Life Plaque she began radiation therapy-along with chemo. She had many set-backs and worked up until the last month or two before her death 3/11/10. We discussed her condition at the time of her initial diagnosis. You suggested that you would work with her if she would come out here for a month. Of course that never did happen. She had to work to survive/live, as she was not financially set. Answer:
My condolences for your loss. Our records indicate that a Lengthening Life was set up as per your request from 9/11/09-3/10/10. Please read the Dharma Talk titled “On healing Illnesses” on our Web site archives. It explains why I suggested that she came to see me so that I could directly help her. Since all other means failed, there is only the last Buddhist approach of creating blessings to induce healing. You may recall your Long Beach friend who came to me with cancer after her doctors gave up on her. She got a permanent Lengthening Life plaque AND took on personal meditation practice. As a result, her cancer stopped progressing and her own doctor took her off all medication. Miracles do happen! It was unfortunate that when TB was at the end of her rope, there was not enough faith that we can help (external help). TB herself was not even willing to try our venue to fight for her life (self-help). Miracles do not happen without faith in others and in oneself. Again, I offer to you and family my sincere condolences. Let’s make sure not to come up short again during critical time (49-day period) so that she does get a good reincarnation. Even though she lacked faith while she was with us, I’m hoping to able to present her with the option of going to the Western Bliss Pure Land to have a most happy eternal life. |
October 2016